Sample Cover Letter
A cover letter is one that is sent along with your CV when you are applying for a job. The purpose of a cover letter is to elicit a positive response from your prospective employers by highlighting the plus points in your resume.
Cover letter outline
A cover letter is a formal letter and therefore it should have the same format as a formal letter.
Begin your cover letter by placing your address at the top of the page. Do not put your name with the address. Put the date directly under the address.
Put the name and address of the person you are writing to slightly below the date.
Use complete title and address; do not abbreviate. Do not use a title like Mr. together with a first name.
Write directly to the person in charge of hiring. If you do not know his or her name, you can use the salutation Dear Sir or Dear Madam.
Sign with your full name, but without writing any title (Mr/Ms/Dr/etc). Put your handwritten signature above your name.
Sample cover letter

Recipient name
Company name
February 01, 2012
Dear Recipient name:
Your address Phone:
I am writing to you in response to an advertisement for a financial advisor which appeared in the Times of India on Tuesday, February 02. As you can see from my enclosed resume, I have the experience and academic qualifications necessary to meet the position's requirements.
I especially would like to point out that I did my MBA in Finance from the Indian Institute Management Ahmedabad. Immediately upon graduation I was hired by a national bank as a probationary financial officer.
During the two years that I worked for the bank, I further improved my knowledge and skills in personal finance. My employer also thought highly of my abilities that he promoted me to the position of assistant financial advisor after my first year of employment.
I am certain that in addition to my qualifications and experience I will be able to bring excellent work habits and judgment to this position. What's more, I will be able to carry out my responsibilities with minimal supervision.
I look forward to meeting you in person so that we can further discuss the requirements of the position.
(Handwritten signature)
James Mathews
Sections in this article
Cover letter writing tips
What to write and what not to write in a cover letter