Phrases Exercise for Class 4

A phrase is a group of words, without a subject or a verb. It cannot stand alone as an independent unit. A phrase can function only as a part of speech. There are several different kinds of phrases, including prepositional phrases (with the subcategories adjectival phrases and adverbial phrases), appositives, and verbal phrases.

Rearrange the groups of words given below so that they become meaningful phrases.

1. office the in ................................

2. cake a piece of ................................

3. idea a smart ................................

4. garden in the ................................

5. venue at the ................................

6. a car luxury ................................

7. watch an expensive ................................

8. computer a laptop ................................

9. drawer in the ................................

10. on tree the apple ................................

11. the house around ................................

12. planet the largest ...............................

13. window the through ................................

14. roof the on ................................

15. old same clothes ................................

16. a letter long ................................

17. sky in the flash ................................

18. opportunity a golden ................................

19. the hill the temple on ................................

20. inspector an honest police ...............................

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