Pronouns Exercise

Correct the following sentences.

1. They selected Alice and myself.

2. We enjoyed very much at the party.

3. The principal wants to see John and yourself.

4. Myself has been asked to complete this work.

5. Have they not invited your wife and yourself to the party?

6. I and Alice will also be attending the party.


1. They selected Alice and me. (NOT myself) (Reflexive pronouns should be used only when the subject and the object refer to the same person.)

2. We enjoyed ourselves very much at the party. (Enjoy requires an object after it.)

3. The principal wants to see you and John. (Good manners require that the person addressed should come first, the person spoken of second.)

4. I have been asked to complete this work. OR I myself have been asked to complete this work.

5. Have they not invited you and your wife to the party? (Good manners require that the person addressed should come first, the person spoken of second.)

6. Alice and I will also be attending the party. (Good manners require that I should come last in expressions like 'Alice, John and I', 'John and I', 'You and I' etc.)

Sections in this article

Kinds of pronouns
Personal pronouns
Possessive pronouns
Reflexive pronouns
Demonstrative pronouns
Relative pronouns
Correct usage of personal pronouns

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