Sentence Completion Exercise

Sentence completion tasks are very common in competitive exams. They require you to complete a sentence using a word or phrase from the given options. A good knowledge of grammar and vocabulary are absolutely essential to complete these tasks.

Each sentence has one or two blanks. Choose the word or set of words that best completes the sentences meaningfully.

1. He went to the library ......................... to find that it was closed.

2. The ties that bind us together are so ......................... that they can disappear at any moment.

3. Her reaction to his proposal was ......................... She rejected it ..........................

4. People who are .......................... find it difficult to accept the belief that all men are equal regardless of their caste, race or religion.

Questions 5 - 9

Fill in the blanks by selecting the most appropriate word or phrase from the given options.

5. I met him only a week ..........................

6. She asked me .........................

7. Even after repeated warnings, he ......................... to office on time.

8. She told me that ......................... someday.

9. Some people can ......................... with even murder.


1. only; 2. tenuous (= weak); 3. inevitable, vehemently; 4. intolerant; 5. ago; 6. why I was angry; 7. never comes; 8. she would like to visit France; 9. get away

Sections in this article

Sentence agreement
Sentence agreement: plural subjects
Sentence agreement: collective nouns
Sentence agreement: indefinite pronouns


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