Conversational Structures With Let

Let can be used to introduce suggestions and orders. We can use let us to make suggestions to a group that includes the speaker. Note that let is followed by object + infinitive without to.

  • Let us go. (Formal) (Let + object + infinitive without to)
  • Let’s go. (Informal)
  • Let us go for a walk. (Formal) (Let + object + infinitive without to)
  • Let’s go for a walk. (Informal)
  • Let us pray. (Let + object + infinitive without to)

The structure let + object + have + noun is also possible.

  • Let us have a drink. (Formal) (Let + object + have + noun)
  • Let’s have a drink. (Informal)
  • Let us have a chat. (Let + object + have + noun)

Giving instructions to oneself

Let me is used to give instructions to oneself. The expressions Let me see and Let me think are very common.

  • Let me just finish my homework and I will play with you.

Giving instructions to a third person

Let can also introduce a suggestion or order for someone or something else, not the speaker or hearer.

  • ‘Your boyfriend is going out with another girl.’ ‘Let him. I don’t care.’

Grammar notes

Shall we? is used as a question tag. Let’s is used as a short answer.

  • ‘Let’s go for a walk, shall we?’ ‘Yes, let’s.’

There are two possible negatives, with let us not (let’s not) and do not let us (don’t let us).

  • Let us not despair. OR Do not let us despair.
  • Let us not forget those who came before us. OR Do not let us forget those who came before us.

Manjusha Nambiar

Hi, I am Manjusha. This is my blog where I give English grammar lessons and worksheets.

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