
The use of different grammatical forms to show the difference between masculine, feminine and neuter or between human and non-human.

A noun that denotes a male animal is said to be of the masculine gender. Examples are: boy, man, lion, hero, cock-sparrow etc.

A noun that denotes a female animal is said to be of the feminine gender. Examples are: girl, woman, lioness, heroine, hen-sparrow etc.

A noun that denotes a thing that is neither male nor female is said to be of the neuter gender. Examples are: book, pen, tree, bus, room, house etc.

A noun that denotes either a male or female is said to be of the common gender. Examples are: parent, child, friend, servant, cousin, student, baby etc.

Manjusha Nambiar

Hi, I am Manjusha. This is my blog where I give English grammar lessons and worksheets.

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