Learn English Blog

Abbreviations In Formal Letters

The following abbreviations are commonly used in formal letters. asap = as soon as possible cc = carbon copy enc = enclosure pp = per procurationem (This Latin phrase means that you are signing...

10 Resume Writing Tips

Having a selling resume will greatly improve your chances of getting that dream job. So how does one write that perfect resume that is sure to grab the attention of prospective employers? Here in...

Difference between however and but

Students often confuse the words however and but. The main difference is that but is a conjunction whereas however is a transitional adverb. That means we use but to connect two clauses. She was...

Which Grammar Problems Do Australian Students Face?

Australian English grammar has its own characteristics and differences. In this article, we look at the most common grammatical errors that Australian students face. For many students, grammar is an annoying technicality, but we...