Subject-Verb Agreement Exercise For Classes 7 And 8

Fill in the blanks with the simple present tense form of the verbs given in the brackets. You may want to review subject-verb agreement rules before doing this exercise. You can find learn them on their study page.

The verb has to agree with the subject in number and person. That means you have to use a singular verb after a singular subject and a plural verb after a plural subject. That is the basic rule of subject-verb agreement.

1. Either Shyam or Hari …………………….. to monitor the class. (has / have)

2. The woman along with her three children ………………………. in that house. (live / lives)

3. Every one of these books …………………….. worth reading. (is / are)

4. Each hand …………………….. five fingers. (has / have)

5. Each day ……………………… different. (is / are)

6. All students ………………………. to submit their work before Wednesday. (has / have)

7. Nobody ……………………….. (know / knows) what she wants.

8. Each of the participants ……………………….. to be present at the venue before 8 am. (has / have)

9. Neither method ………………………… correct. (is / are)

10. There ………………………….. many mangoes on the tree. (isn’t / aren’t)

11. There …………………… a hole in this cover. (is / are)

12. The teacher as well as the students ………………………. gone a picnic. (has / have)

13. Both Raju and Ravi ………………………… (is / are) good singers.

14. Where ………………………… the scissors? (is / are)

15. Every situation ……………………….. its pros and cons. (has / have)


1. Either Shyam or Hari has to monitor the class.

2. The woman along with her three children lives in that house.

3. Every one of these books is worth reading.

4. Each hand has five fingers.

5. Each day is different.

6. All students have to submit their work before Wednesday.

7. Nobody knows what she wants.

8. Each of the participants has to be present at the venue before 8 am.

9. Neither method is correct.

10. There aren’t many mangoes on the tree.

11. There is a hole in my umbrella.

12. The teacher as well as the students is on a field trip. (When we connect two nouns with as well as, the verb agrees with the former.)

13. Both Raju and Ravi are good singers.

14. Where are the scissors?

15. Every situation has its pros and cons. (Use a singular verb after each and every.)

Subject – Verb Agreement Worksheet 2

Fill in the blanks with a verb form that agrees with the subject.

1. The girl who won the first prize …………………………… a student from Tamil Nadu. (is / are)

2. I know a man who …………………………….. pens near the railway station. (sell / sells)

3. I don’t know what I ……………………………… supposed to do. (am / is / are)

4. Fruits and vegetables …………………………. good for health. (is / are)

5. Regular consumption of fruits and vegetables ………………………….. good for health. (is / are)

6. Switching to eco-friendly sources of energy ……………………………… the need of the hour. (is / are)

7. Where ……………………………. you been all this while? (has / have)

8. Neither my sister nor I …………………………….. French. (speak / speaks)

9. A stitch in time ……………………………. nine. (save / saves)

10. What you say …………………………. no sense to me. (make / makes)

11. Some of us ………………………….. a change. (want / wants)

12. A number of people …………………………. tried to solve this puzzle. (has / have)

13. A lot of people ……………………… cars these days. (own / owns)

14. Much money …………………………. wasted on the project. (was /were)

15. Not much ……………………………. known about him. (is / are)

16. A lot …………………………. been written about them. (has / have)

17. Bullying …………………………. become a serious problem. (has / have)

18. Shyam or Rahul ………………………… to go. (has / have)

19. Either you or I ………………………….. mistaken. (is / are / am)

20. Neither you nor he ………………………….. right. (is / are)


1. The girl who won the first prize is a student from Tamil Nadu.

2. I know a man who sells pens near the railway station. (The verb in the relative clause should agree with its antecedent (man).)

3. I don’t know what I am supposed to do.

4. Fruits and vegetables are good for health.

5. Regular consumption of fruits and vegetables is good for health.

6. Switching to eco-friendly sources of energy is the need of the hour. (Here the subject is the gerund switching; hence, we use a singular verb.)

7. Where have you been all this while?

8. Neither my sister nor I speak French.

9. A stitch in time saves nine.

10. What you say makes no sense to me.

11. Some of us want a change. (When some is followed by a plural noun / pronoun, the verb should be plural.)

12. A number of people have tried to solve this puzzle.

13. A lot of people own cars these days.

14. Much money was wasted on the project. (Use a singular verb after much.)

15. Not much is known about him.

16. A lot has been written about them.

17. Bullying has become a serious problem.

18. Shyam or Rahul has to go. (When we connect two singular subjects with or, the verb is singular.)

19. Either you or I am mistaken.

20. Neither you nor he is right. (When we connect two subjects with neither/nor, the verb agrees with the latter subject.)

Subject Verb Agreement Worksheets for Class 8


Hi, I am Manjusha. This is my blog where I give English grammar lessons and worksheets. You may also want to check out my other blogs IELTS Practice and NCERT Guides

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