Grammar Worksheets for Class 2 CBSE

Complete the following sentences using is, am or are.

1. My mother ...................... a teacher.

2. You ..................... my best friend.

3. He ..................... a clever boy.

4. Rohan ...................... my classmate.

5) Sania ...................... very pretty.

6. Rohan and Sania ..................... my classmates.

7. The elephant ...................... the biggest animal on the land.

8. My sister ...................... a teacher.

9. My father ...................... working.

10. My sister ...................... doing her homework.

11. The birds ...................... flying in the sky.

12. The boys ...................... playing in the garden.

13. The students ...................... learning their lessons.

14. Raju ..................... making a paper boat.

15. Rani ...................... knitting a sweater.

16. My sister's baby ...................... very cute.

17. I ...................... a girl.

18. My dad ...................... is a superman.

19. My sister ...................... my best friend.

20. I ...................... the only child of my parents.

21. My brother and I ....................... going to the park.

22. Sophia ...................... my class teacher.

23. The sun ..................... a star.

24. Suma ...................... a good singer.

25. We ...................... all Indians.

26. It ...................... my pen.

27. Where ...................... John?

28. What ..................... you doing there?

29. A spider ...................... an insect.

30. It ...................... raining.

31. She ...................... a doctor.

32. Who ...................... he?

33. I ..................... an Indian.

34. My name ...................... Manjusha.

35. Children ..................... curious.

36. My teacher ...................... my best friend.

37. The earth ...................... round.

38. The crow ...................... black is colour.

39. Where ..................... you father?

40. What ..................... this?

41. My niece ..................... a naughty girl.

42. This ...................... a story you will enjoy.

43. My dog ...................... an Alsatian.

44. My parents ..................... teachers.


1. Is; 2. Are; 3. Is; 4. Is; 5. Is; 6. Are; 7. Is; 8. Is; 9. Is; 10. Is; 11. Are; 12. Are; 13. Are; 14. Is; 15. Is; 16. Is; 17. Am; 18. Is; 19. Is; 20. Am; 21. Are; 22. Is; 23. Is; 24. Is; 25. Are; 26. Is; 27. Is; 28. Are; 29. Is; 30. Is; 31. Is; 32. Is; 33. Am; 34. Is; 35. Are; 36. Is; 37. Is; 38. Is; 39. Is; 40. Is; 41. Is; 42. Is; 43. Is; 44. Are

Sections in this article

Prepositional phrases
Verbal phrases
Participle phrases
Infinitive phrases
Gerund phrases
Adjective clauses
Noun clauses
-ing Forms

See Also

Exclamations exercise
Exclamations: common errors
Common mistakes with pronouns - Part 2
Common errors with adjectives - part 1
Common errors with adjectives - part 2

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