Articles Exercise For Classes 5 And 6

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate article.

1. That was ………………….. unforgettable experience for me.

2. What did you do with …………………… money I lent you?

3. I watched ………………….. English movie yesterday.

4. I have adopted ……………………. feral cat and her kittens.

5. Do you know ……………………. answer?

6. I heard …………………… knock on ………………….. door.

7.  She doesn’t have ……………………. Job.

8. It took me ………………………. hour to get dressed.

9. I have ……………………. letter for you.

10. Project Tiger is ………………….. tiger conservation programme launched by …………………….. Government of India.


1. That was an unforgettable experience for me.

2. What did you do with the money I lent you?

3. I watched an English movie yesterday.

4. I have adopted a feral cat and her kittens.

5. Do you know the answer?

6. I heard a knock on the door.

7.  She doesn’t have a Job.

8. It took me an hour to get dressed.

9. I have a letter for you.

10. Project Tiger is a tiger conservation programme launched by the Government of India.

Manjusha Nambiar

Hi, I am Manjusha. This is my blog where I give English grammar lessons and worksheets.

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