Author: Manjusha Nambiar

Question tags

Question tags are the small questions that often come at the end of sentences in speech. They are used to check whether something is true. Question tags can also be used to ask for...

Short questions

Sometimes we answer a statement by asking for more information. Questions of this kind have a very simple structure. Study the following examples. ‘Rani is quitting her job.’ ‘Why?’ (More natural than ‘Why is...

Formation of questions

It is important to know how to form questions. The rules given below apply to almost all written questions and most spoken questions. Auxiliary verb before subject In a question, the auxiliary verb comes...

It’s up to you

It’s up to you simply means you are the one who has to make a decision. Ravi: Should I buy this blue shirt? What do you think? Priya: It’s up to you. You may...

It is not worth it

Worth means value. If something is of great worth, it is of great value or importance. A college education will be of great worth to you later. If something is worthless, it is useless....