Author: Manjusha Nambiar

Idioms – K

Here are some common idiomatic expressions in English. Keep from To keep from doing something is to avoid doing it. Keep on To keep on is to continue to do something. Keep up with...

Hurdle and hurtle

These words are often confused. A hurdle is an obstacle or barrier. The racer couldn’t clear the last hurdle. Hurdle can also be a verb. To hurdle is to jump over a hurdle. Compare:...

Immoral, amoral, immortal

These words sound somewhat similar but they have completely different meanings. Immoral means wicked. She was condemned for leading an immoral life. The court banned the immoral movie. Selling tobacco to young children is...

Idol, idle and idyll | Words confused

These words often cause confusion. Idle means ‘not active’. An idle mind is a devil’s workshop. When the factory closed many employees were left idle. Just because you are old doesn’t mean you have...

English vocabulary exercise

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate word. 1. At that ………………, he decided to proceed with his original plans. (juncture / junction) 2. We ……………. the old TV set and bought a new...

Vocabulary exercise for class 10

Complete the following sentences. 1. He now occupies a …………….. position. (lucrative / ludicrous) 2. When accused of lying, she blushed in ………………… (humility / humiliation) 3. He thanked them for their help with...

Idioms – G

Here is a list of idiomatic expressions formed around words beginning with G. Blow the gaff To blow the gaff is to reveal a secret or plot. Play to the gallery To play to...

Idioms – F

Here is a list of idiomatic expressions formed around words beginning with F. Pull a fast one To pull a fast one is to try to gain an unfair advantage. Live off the fat...

Sentence completion

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate word or phrase. 1. I haven’t got ……………… money as I thought. a) as much b) as c) as many 2. I gave him ………………… as he...