Author: Manjusha Nambiar

Been, come and gone

Been is often used as a past participle of come and go. Complete the following sentences. 1. ‘Where is the manager?’ ‘He has ………………. to the US.’ a) gone b) been 2. Have you...

Other, another and others

Complete the following sentences using other, another or others. 1. She has bought ………………… car. a) other b) an other c) another 2. Could I have …………….. piece of cake? a) another b) an...

Accuse, acknowledge, acquaint,

Accuse (verb) To accuse is to charge or lodge a complaint against someone. She accused me of poisoning her dog. The public prosecutor accused the defendant of murder. You can’t accuse me of dishonesty....

Phrasal verbs with run

Here is a list of expressions beginning with run. Each one is followed by its meaning. Example sentences are also given. Run in If a particular quality runs in a family it is common...

Vocabulary exercise

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate form of the word given in the brackets. 1. The boy shows an …………….. of initiative. (absent) 2. I am ………………… sure these are the facts. (absolute)...

Tenses worksheet

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate verb form. 1. By this time next year, Ramesh ……………….. his university degree. a) will obtain b) will have obtained c) will be obtaining 2. When we...

Using the present perfect tense

The present perfect tense is used 1) to talk about actions or situations completed in the immediate past He has just gone out. I have just received the parcel. The clock has just struck...