Author: Manjusha Nambiar

Was or were worksheet

Complete the following sentences using was or were. Hints Use ‘was’ when the subject is a singular pronoun (he, she, it, I) or a singular noun (Raju, Radha, child, book etc.) Use ‘were’ when...

Common confusables

In each sentence below, two words are given in the brackets. Of these only one word is appropriate. Fill in the blank using that word. 1. You can trust Manu. He is very ……………….....

Can and could worksheet

Complete the following sentences using can or could. 1. He said I …………………. come whenever I wanted to. 2. You ……………….. have asked my permission before borrowing my car. 3. That was a bad...

Antonyms exercise

Against each key word are given five suggested meanings. Choose the word or phrase which is opposite in meaning to the key word. 1. Inclination a) reflection b) aversion c) disgust d) decline 2....

Antonyms worksheet

Against each key word are given five suggested meanings. Choose the word or phrase which is opposite in meaning to the key word. 1. Gainsay a) earn b) agree c) refute d) naysay e)...

Active and passive voice worksheet

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate passive or active verb form.   1.    My sister ……………. a baby girl yesterday. a) delivered b) was delivered c) has delivered 2. The girl ………………….. by...