Author: Manjusha

Modal auxiliary verbs worksheet for grade 7

Complete the following sentences using appropriate modal auxiliary verbs. 1. I don’t think that I —————— be able to go. (will / should / can) 2. You ——————- to be punctual. (should / ought...

Adverbs worksheet for grade 6

Insert the adverbs in their normal position and rewrite the following sentences. 1. I have seen a ghost. (never) 2. She is late for work. (seldom) 3. Look before you leap. (Always) 4. I...

Linking expressions exercise

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate word or phrase. 1. —————— I fired at the lion, my brother shook my arm. a) as b) because c) since d) for 2. Arranged marriages are...

Confusing words worksheet

Complete the following sentences. 1. We must follow the ——————- of our parents and teachers. (advise / advice) 2. I am ——————- satisfied with my results. (quite / quiet) 3. You will be ——————–...

Passive voice exercise

Change the following sentences into passive voice. 1. I sent the parcel yesterday. 2. She was fixing the radio. 3. He sells newspapers and magazines. 4. I am drafting a letter. 5. I have...

Grammar exercise for grades 9 and 10

Complete the following sentences. 1. How ……………….. you call me a liar? a) dare b) should c) must d) would 2. Children ……………………. to respect their parents. a) need b) should c) ought d)...

TOEFL Grammar Exercise

Complete the following sentences. 1. Gauri is a nice girl, ————————? a) is she? b) isn’t she? c) doesn’t she? d) hasn’t she? 2. What year did you ——————- university? a) graduate b) graduate...

General Grammar Exercise

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate word or phrase. 1. Has your problem …………………? a) solved b) been solved c) being solved d) solve 2. The accused ………………….. the judgement with anxiety. a)...