Cases Where A/An Cannot Be Used

The indefinite article a/an cannot be used with plural or uncountable nouns.

  • Books give knowledge. (NOT A books give knowledge.)
  • Rice is rich in carbohydrates. (NOT The rice is…)
  • I adore dogs and cats.
  • She doesn’t eat cheese.
  • Do you eat meat?
  • Knowledge is power.
  • Ideas rule the world.
  • Ignorance isn’t blissful.
  • Water is essential for life.

The indefinite article a/an is not used with singular proper nouns.

  • Rahul is a student. (NOT A Rahul is a student.)
  • Iran is a country in Asia. (NOT An Iran is a country in an Asia.)

We do not use a/an with possessive and demonstratives.

  • She is an old friend of mine. (NOT She is a my old friend.)
  • I want to adopt this cat. (NOT I want to adopt a this cat.)

Note that we use the definite article the with plural and uncountable nouns when we are talking about particular people or things.

  • I talked to the girls sitting in the front row. (We are talking about particular girls here; hence, we use the with it.)
  • The shy boy does not talk to girls. (We are talking about girls in general here; hence, we do not use the with it.)

Manjusha Nambiar

Hi, I am Manjusha. This is my blog where I give English grammar lessons and worksheets.

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