Category: CBSE Grammar Worksheets

Tenses worksheet

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate verb form. Choose your answers from the given options. 1. My uncle …………………. tomorrow. a) is arriving b) arrives c) Either could be used here 2. I...

Modal auxiliary verbs worksheet

Complete the following sentences using appropriate modal auxiliary verbs. 1. I don’t think that I ——————- be able to do this. (shall / should / can) 2. He —————– not pay unless he is...

Gap filling worksheet for grade 9

In the passage given below some words are missing. Choose the correct word from the given options and complete the passage meaningfully. An inadequate public transport system has ………1…….. to an increase ……….2………… the...

Gap fills worksheet for CBSE class 9

Complete the given passage with appropriate words or phrases. Tom began to think of the fun he ………1………. for this day, and his sorrows ………2…………… Soon the free boys ……….3…….. come tripping along on...

Edit the given passage

Each line given below contains an error. Underline the error and write the correction in the space provided. 1. For most than four years, Marie Curie (………………..) 2. and her husband work in a...

Edit the given passage

The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word in the first blank space and the correction in the second blank space. Incorrect...

Tenses worksheet

Complete the following sentences using appropriate tense forms of the verb. 1. She ——————- short stories. a) write b) writes 2. I —————- him yesterday. a) met b) have met 3. We ——————- to...