Category: CBSE Grammar Worksheets

Tenses worksheet for grade 9

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate tense form. 1. Indira Gandhi …………………. in 1984. (died / had died / has died) 2. Thereafter, Rajiv Gandhi ……………….. the Prime Minister. (become / became /...

Present perfect tense worksheet for grade 6

Make sentences in the present perfect tense using the verb given in the brackets. 1. I ……………………. the parcel. (receive) 2. She …………………. a good job. (find) 3. They ……………………. our invitation. (accept) 4....

Simple past and past perfect tense exercise

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate verb form. Watch our Youtube video to learn the difference between simple past and present perfect. You can also find a Malayalam version of the same video...

Tenses exercise for class 10

Complete the following sentences using appropriate verb forms. 1. There ———————— an explosion near the castle. a) has been b) was c) had been 2. There ———————– an explosion near the castle yesterday. a)...

Parts of speech worksheet for class 6 CBSE

1. Alas! We have lost.   —————————— 2. The lion is in the cage. —————————— 3. We are waiting for them. —————————— 4. Raju is my best friend. —————————— 5. He could not attend...