Category: CBSE Grammar Worksheets

CBSE Class X Grammar Practice Test 1

Fill in the blanks using an appropriate word or phrase. In ……………….1……………….. country people imagine that they are the best and the cleverest and that others are not ……………….2…………… good as they are. The...

Passive voice worksheets

A sentence has been given in the active/passive voice. From the given options choose the one that expresses the same idea in the passive/active voice. 1. The grocer lowered the prices. A. The prices...

Participles worksheet

Complete the following sentences using a present participle or past participle form. 1. He wants to be ……………………. a) promoting b) promoted 2. She seems to have ……………………. a) gone b) going 3. He...

Future tense worksheet

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate verb form indicating the future. 1. By next Diwali we ………………………. here for ten years. a) will be b) will have been c) would be 2. This...

Tenses worksheet

Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the verb given in the brackets. 1. I waited for him until he ………………… (return) 2. I will remember that day as long as I...