Category: Idioms

Animal idioms

Here are some animal idioms. Each expression is followed by its meaning or definition. Example sentences are also given. To be a chicken / to be chicken livered If you are a chicken you...

Money idioms

Here is a list of common money idioms. Put your money where your mouth is This expression is used to suggest that one should practice what one preaches. All those billionaires who talk about...

Colour Idioms

Here is a list of colour idioms. Each idiom is followed by its meaning/definition and example sentences. Black out: loss of electricity; complete darkening of a room when lights are put out; sudden loss...

Food related idioms

Here is a list of food-related idioms. Each idiom is followed by its meaning or definition. Example sentences are also given. Eat dirt To eat dirt is to accept bad treatment without complaining. My...

Entertainment idioms

Here is a list of some entertainment idioms. To make a clown of yourself You make a clown of yourself when your actions or words make you appear silly or foolish. He made a...

The ABC’s of something / The ABCs of something

The ABC’s of a subject is the most basic facts about it. Sometimes the apostrophe in the expression ABC’s is omitted. I don’t think that she will make a good teacher. She does not...

Money idioms and phrases

The word money is used in a large number of idiomatic expressions. Be in the money When you are in the money, you become rich all of a sudden. You may have won a...

Horse idioms

Here is a list of horse idioms. As strong as a horse/ox If somebody is as strong as a horse or an ox, they are very strong. He should be able to lift that...

Cow idioms

Here is a list of idioms using the words cow and bull. As awkward as a cow on roller skates When you are as awkward as a cow on roller skates, you look very...

Dog idioms

Here is a list of dog idioms. As clean as a hound’s tooth If something is as clean as a hound’s tooth, it is very clean. A hound is a hunting dog. We didn’t...