Category: Idioms

Idiomatic Expressions With Way

Here is a list of idioms and expressions built around the word ‘way’. Each idiom is followed by its meaning and example sentences. All the way When people say that they had to go...

Idioms And Expressions With Nose

Here is a list of idiomatic expressions using the word nose. Get right up your nose When something gets right up your nose, it annoys you a lot. Her impudence got right up my...

Idioms And Expressions With Mind

Here is a list of idioms and expressions built around the word ‘mind’. Each idiom is followed by its meaning and example sentences. At the back of your mind When something is at the...

Idioms And Expressions With Lose

The following idioms and expressions are formed with the word lose. Each idiom is followed by its meaning / definition and example sentences. Have a lot/too much to lose When you have a lot...

Idioms Using The Word Look

Here is a list of idioms and expressions built around the word ‘look’. Each idiom is followed by its meaning and example sentences. Look before you leap Used for advising people to think carefully...

Idioms Using The Word Leave

Leave someone cold When something leaves you cold it completely fails to interest or attract you. Her snobbish nature left me cold. Cricket just leaves me cold. Leave someone hanging / leave something hanging...

Heart Idioms

The following idioms and expressions are built around the word ‘heart’. Each idiom is followed by its meaning / definition and example sentences. Break someone’s heart To break someone’s heart is to hurt him...

Hand Idioms | English Idioms

The following idioms are formed with the word hand. Each idiom is followed by its meaning / definition and example sentences. At hand When something is at hand, it is very close to you...

Idioms Using The Word Event

Here is a list of phrases using the word event. Each phrase is followed by its meaning or definition. Example sentences are also given. After the event After something bad has happened it is...