Category: Writing

How To Write A Precis

What it is a précis? A précis is a summary of an article in which a student or a reader accurately and briefly reproduces the author’s arguments in his or her own words. There...

Comma | Punctuation Mark

Commas reflect pauses in speech. A listing comma is used to separate items in a series or list. In British English, the last two items in a list are not usually separated by a...

Colon | Punctuation Mark

The punctuation mark colon (:) is almost always used after a complete sentence. Its function is to indicate that what follows is an explanation or elaboration of what precedes. We decided not to go...


A brief way of writing a word or a phrase that could also be written out in full, using only the letters of the alphabet and possibly full stops. We usually write abbreviations without...

Autobiography Writing Tips

A biography is the account of the life of a person written by someone else. For instance, Boswell’s ‘Life of Johnson’ is a biography. An autobiography is the story of a person’s life written...

Uses of The Apostrophe

We use apostrophes (‘) for three main reasons. Missing letters It is used in writing a contraction to show the place of the omitted letters. can’t (= cannot) it’s (= it is) I’d (=...