Change into negative | Class 5 grammar worksheets

Read the following sentences and change them into the negative.

change into negative worksheet


1. The girl does not sell flowers.

2. He does not work in a factory.

3. The boy does not adore his pet dog.

4. The girl did not scream when she saw the cockroach.

5. They did not stop me at the gate.

6. I did not consult a doctor.

7. The boy did not tell a lie.

8. The girls did not plant any roses in the garden. (In negative sentences and questions, we use any instead of some.)

9. I did not water the plants.

10. He did not feed the cats before going to bed.

11. It did not rain yesterday.

12. The teacher did not reprimand the boy for breaking the window.

13. Farmers do not plough their fields before planting crops.


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