Infinitive With Its Own Subject

A structure with for + object + infinitive is common after many adjectives, verbs and nouns.

  • I was happy for him to get the job.
  • My idea was for him to start a business.
  • It is important for us to be informed.
  • I will be happy for her to join us.
  • We are waiting for them to arrive.
  • It is important for the party to be a success.
  • My idea was for him to become a doctor.

Note that when for is followed by a pronoun, it should be in its object form.

  • I am anxious for them to reach safely. (NOT I am anxious for they to reach safely)

In most cases it is possible to express the same idea with a that-clause.

  • I was happy that he got the job.
  • My idea was that he should start a business.
  • It is important that we should be informed.
  • It is important that the party should be a success.

Manjusha Nambiar

Hi, I am Manjusha. This is my blog where I give English grammar lessons and worksheets.

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