Integrated Grammar Worksheet For Class 8

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate tense form.

1. She …………………. (make) a living by selling fruits.

2. Our team …………………. (win) the match yesterday.

3. I …………………… (know) James for a long time.

4. We ……………………… (finish) this project by the end of October.

5. He …………………. (work) in this office since 2018.

Change into passive voice.

6. The have painted the walls.

7. I wrote a letter yesterday.

8. The dog chased the cat.

9. The cat killed the mouse.

10. She writes stories.

11. I am writing a novel.

Change into reported speech

12. I said to her, ‘I am hungry.’

13. She told me, ‘I am leaving.’

14. She said to him, ‘What are you doing in my room?’

Identify the phrase and the clause

15. in the sky

16. under the table

17. if you are hungry

18. with a pencil

19. under the coat

20. for six months

21. since the dawn of civilization

22. because she is hungry

23. do it at once

24. once upon a time

25. when you are free

Identify the main clause and subordinate clause

26. I want to know why I have to wait here.

27. She asked me whether I had seen her bag.

28. I don’t know where they have gone.

29. As it was snowing, I felt very cold.

30. She asked me if I wanted something to drink.

31. Though he works hard, he does not earn much.


1. She makes a living by selling fruits.

2. Our team won the match yesterday.

3. I have known James for a long time.

4. We will have finished this project by the end of October.

5. He has been working in this office since 2018.

6. The walls have been painted by them.

7. A letter was written by me.

8. The cat was chased by the dog.

9. The mouse was killed by the cat.

10. Stories are written by her.

11. A novel is being written by me.

12. I told her that I was hungry.

13. She told me that she was leaving.

14. She asked him what he was doing in her room.

15. in the sky (phrase)

16. under the table (phrase)

17. if you are hungry (clause)

18. with a pencil (phrase)

19. under the coat (phrase)

20. for six months (phrase)

21. since the dawn of civilization (phrase)

22. because she is hungry (clause)

23. do it at once (clause)

24. once upon a time (phrase)

25. when you are free (clause)

26. I want to know (main clause) why I have to wait here. (subordinate clause)

27. She asked me (main clause) whether I had seen her bag. (subordinate clause)

28. I don’t know (main clause) where they have gone. (subordinate clause)

29. As it was snowing, (subordinate clause) I felt very cold. (main clause)

30. She asked me (main clause) if I wanted something to drink (subordinate clause).

31. Though he works hard (subordinate clause), he does not earn much. (main clause)


Hi, I am Manjusha. This is my blog where I give English grammar lessons and worksheets. You may also want to check out my other blogs IELTS Practice and NCERT Guides

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