Make negative sentences | CBSE Class 4 grammar worksheets

In the simple present tense, we use the auxiliary verbs do and does to make negative forms.

Do is used with plural nouns and pronouns. The first person singular pronoun ‘I’ also takes do.

Does is used with singular nouns and pronouns.

When the subject is singular, the verb takes the marker –s in the simple present tense.

  • She lives here.

In order to change this statement into a question or a negative, we have to use the auxiliary verb does. Note that after do and does, we use the verb without –s.

  • Lives = does + live
  • She does not live here. (NOT She does not lives here.)
  • Does she live here? (NOT Does she lives here?)

Grammar exercise

Affirmative sentences are given below. Change them into negative.

1. My brother lives in Tokyo.

2. The shop opens at 8 am.

3. She lives in this town.

4. He knows the answer.

5. She loves being looked at.

6. Everyone yearns for appreciation.

7. Planets move around the sun in elliptical orbits.

8. I eat fish and meat.

9. You look gorgeous today.

10. Put the books on that table.

11. Park here.

12. The king treats his people with kindness.


1. My brother does not live in Tokyo.

2. The shop does not open at 8 am.

3. She does not live in this town.

4. He does not know the answer.

5. She does not love being looked at.

6. Everyone does not yearn for appreciation. (Actually, this sentence should be ‘Not everyone yearns for appreciation.’ When the subject is a word like ‘all’ or ‘everyone’, we make the negative by putting ‘not’ at the beginning.)

7. Planets do not move around the sun in elliptical orbits.

8. I do not eat fish and meat.

9. You do not look gorgeous today.

10. Do not put the books on that table.

11. Do not park here.

12. The king does not treat his people with kindness.

Manjusha Nambiar

Hi, I am Manjusha. This is my blog where I give English grammar lessons and worksheets.

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