One Word Substitutes For Exams
These words routinely appear in tests that assess a student’s verbal ability. Learn these words by heart.
Triennial: recurring every three years
Plutocracy: a society ruled by a small minority of the wealthiest citizens
Plutocratic: In a plutocratic society the rich hold the power.
Stoicism: indifference to pain and pleasure
Fanatic: a person filled with excessive zeal for a political or religious cause
Fratricide: the killing of one’s brother or sister
Deciduous: trees whose leaves fall every autumn
Dolores: someone who is generally sorrowful
Coincidence: occurring together at the same time
Occidental: relating to western countries
Oriental: relating to eastern countries
Consecutive: following in proper order
Pandemonium: any wild and noisy disorder
Panorama: a view all around
Haemophilia: a condition in which the blood clots too slowly
Haemorrhage: excessive blood flow
Haematology: the science of blood and its diseases
Bilateral: a bilateral decision is one made by the two sides involved
Unilateral: a unilateral decision is made by one person without consulting the others
Multilingual: speaking many languages
Paedophile: a person who sexually molests young children
Quinquagenarian: a person in his or her fifties
Sexagenarian: a person in his or her sixties
Septuagenarian: a person in his or her seventies
Octogenarian: a person in his or her eighties
Nonagenarian: a person in his or her nineties
Centenarian: a person who lives to or beyond the age of 100 years
Noxious: harmful
Imbibe: drink in
Equestrian: a horseman
Equestrienne: a horsewoman
Equine: horse-like
Subsequent: following
Decadent: morally deteriorating
Decadence: spiritual decay
Condolence: expression of sympathy
Impecunious: without funds; short of money
Bibulous: addicted to alcohol; likely to drink past the point of sobriety
Obsequious: overly polite
Doleful: exaggerated sadness or dreariness
Cadaverous: someone who looks like a corpse
Oscillate: to swing back and forth
Ambivalent: feeling both ways at the same time
Dissimulate: to conceal real feelings
Dissemble: to pretend ignorance in spite of knowing the facts
Synergy: the process by which two or more substances produce a greater effect than the sum of the individual effects
Enervation: utter exhaustion; mental, emotional, and physical drain