Learn English Blog

Behind As A Preposition

Behind means at or in the rear of. The boy was hiding behind a bush. The driver sits behind the wheel. The old man lagged behind. We were left behind when the bus went. (= The bus went without us.) Behind can also mean not...

Be As An Ordinary Verb

Be is used both as a principal verb and as an auxiliary verb. Be as a principal verb Linking verb Be and its forms (is, am, are, was and were) are usually used to link...

Basic Sentence Patterns In English

Every language uses certain structures or sentence patterns to express ideas. English is no different. In this section we shall consider some of the basic sentence patterns in English. Let’s + Bare infinitive This...

Be As An Auxiliary Verb

Be is a primary auxiliary verb. An auxiliary verb is used with other verbs to form various tense forms. The verb be mainly has seven forms – is, am, are, was, were, been and...

Adjectives | Attributive Position

When adjectives go before nouns, they are used attributively. When they go after be (is, am, are, was, were) and other copular verbs, they are used predicatively. Some adjectives can only be used attributively....

Preposition At

At is a preposition used to show the place, direction, time or manner of something. He works at the market. We live at home. Throw the ball at the stumps. We have breakfast at eight. She ran at top speed. After some verbs, at is used to...

Articles Exercise For Class 5

Complete the following sentences using appropriate articles. You can learn about the correct use of articles on this study page. Articles Exercise for Class 5 1. There is …………… spider on ……………. 2. Rohan...

Using Articles

Articles are a kind of determiners. They go in front of nouns or noun phrases. There are two types of articles – definite article (the) and indefinite article (a/an) Generally speaking, a singular countable...