Phrasal verbs with bring | Class 4 grammar worksheets

Here is a list of phrasal verbs beginning with the letter bring. Each phrasal verb is followed by its meaning.

There is a phrasal verbs exercise at the end of this lesson to test your understanding.

Bring something about

To bring something about is to cause something to happen.

Bring something out

To bring something out is to produce something.

Bring someone round

To bring someone round is to make them conscious again.

Bring something up

To bring something up is to raise a topic for discussion.

Bring someone up

To bring a child up is to look after him/her until she/he is an adult.

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate phrasal verb.

1. The publisher is ………………. a new edition of this book.

2. Why did you ………………. that topic?

3. Emperor Asoka ……………….. many reforms.

4. The doctors tried hard but they could not …………….. her …………….

5. He was …………………… by his uncle.


1. The publisher is bringing out a new edition of this book.

2. Why did you bring up that topic?

3. Emperor Asoka brought about many reforms.

4. The doctors tried hard but they could not bring her round.

5. He was brought up by his uncle.

Manjusha Nambiar

Hi, I am Manjusha. This is my blog where I give English grammar lessons and worksheets.

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