Tagged: modal auxiliary verbs

Ought To

Ought is a modal auxiliary verb. There is no –s in the third person singular. She ought to understand. (NOT She oughts to …) Ought is different from other auxiliary verbs. It is used with to We ought to respect...

Modal Auxiliary Verbs

An auxiliary verb is one which helps other verbs to make tenses, passive forms etc. There are two groups – primary auxiliaries and modal auxiliaries. Modal auxiliaries The verbs will, would, shall, should, can, could, may,...

How To Identify Verbs

Verbs are action words. They tell us what the subject does/did. All verbs have an ing form. All of them can also be used with the marker to. In the following sentences, underline the...

Auxiliary Verb Equivalents

Be able to Be able to can be used to talk about ability. It often has the same meaning as can/could. He is able to support her. (He can support her.) They were able...

Auxiliary Verbs

A verb like be, have and do which is used with another verb to make tenses, passive forms, questions and negatives. English auxiliaries are divided into two types: the primary auxiliaries be, have and...