The Advantages of Being Multilingual

We live in times when we can be quite mobile and move freely around the world. Many of us are born in one country, a study in another, pursue a career in a third, start a family in a fourth, etc. Because of this, many modern people speak two or three languages. Such linguistic proficiency is called multilingualism.
As you can imagine, multilingualism breeds many advantages and opportunities that can streamline one’s study, career, as well as life in general. Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein once said: “The limits of your language are the limits of your world”, and we couldn’t put it better ourselves. Today you will find out why it may be the time for you to start broadening your limits.
8 Perks of Being Multilingual
If you haven’t considered learning multiple new languages before, this article will likely push you in that direction. The benefits of multilingualism are very abundant – let’s discuss some of them below.
1. Resourcefulness.
Being proficient in several languages helps a person develop ingenuity and creative thinking. Many prominent authors, politicians, scientists, creators were multilingual, and many of them became renowned polyglots and contributors to the world’s heritage.
2. Rational thinking.
Multilingual people are very attentive and observant. It is easier for them to analyze difficult situations, as well as deal with planning or problem-solving. A multilingual person thinks in an orderly manner and can set goals more clearly.
3. Strong memory and flexible mind.
Learning foreign languages is the best way to train your memory. According to the research results, monolinguals have less extensive vocabulary as well as decreased ability to memorize new words than multilinguals.
4. Learning new languages more easily.
When you know two or more languages, learning another one is far less difficult. Multilingual people memorize new words faster, understand grammar better, and can effectively use new language faster. This can be explained by the similarity of many languages and their common historical roots.
If learning new languages doesn’t come easy to you, you should try unconventional learning methods, test techniques that will help you learn more easily. Until you become proficient, you can use a translation service online to help you with tasks that you lack knowledge or skills for. However, don’t abandon your studies and eventually, your persistence will be rewarded.
5. Easier socialization.
Being able to speak numerous languages, multilingual people are capable of developing great social connections all over the world. Plus, their desire to practice languages makes them more outgoing as well as likely to interact with locals when they are traveling. This practice makes it easier for them to become more social over time.
6. Better protection from mental disorders.
Getting a healthier brain is among the 10 health benefits of learning foreign languages. A person who studies languages exercises their memory a lot more than a regular person does. Because of this, multilingualism has a beneficial effect on the brain. Research shows that the more a person trains their mind by learning languages, the stronger their resistance to senile diseases like dementia or Alzheimer’s is.
7. Understanding of diverse cultures.
Studying a foreign language, you get access to its respective culture, and can better comprehend its traditions. In turn, this makes you more tolerant of cultural differences and allows you to easily join multinational groups.
8. Better job prospects.
People proficient in multiple languages can be great assets to various companies, especially those that work internationally. They know how to quickly navigate in any situation, are more capable of learning, and are receptive to everything new. These are skills most employers find useful.
Concluding our discourse
In our rapidly developing world, borders, including linguistic ones, are always expanding, and sometimes get completely obliterated. Many people recognize this change and build skills that help them pave a better way in this new reality.
Learning different languages and becoming multilingual is a sure way to educate yourself, diversify your skill set, gain new insights into various subjects, and become more fit to operate in our global world.
BIO: Elizabeth Baldridge
Elizabeth is a skilled content creator and online educator who covers topics related to linguistics and education – her two main passions. Her input allows readers to learn more about language learning and skill-building while getting the most relevant information about modern trends and findings. Elizabeth is a good storyteller whose writing style is fitting for an audience of all ages and backgrounds. Some of her hobbies include traveling and public speaking.