Dismissal Letter Sample

Here is a sample dismissal letter that you can use to dismiss an employee for unacceptable behavior at the workplace.

Dismissal letter writing tips

Terminating an employee is not easy even when you have valid reasons to do so. While writing a dismissal letter, choose your words carefully. As far as possible avoid open reproach of the employee. Show genuine care and concern for the employee. It should help ease their pain.

Employee dismissal letter sample

dismissal letter sample

Name of the recipient
Address of the recipient

2 August 2013

Dear Recipient Name:

I am writing to inform you that you have officially been dismissed as an employee of XYZ INC, effective today. A company such as ours has an obligation to provide the best service to our valuable customers and protect their right to privacy. We do not encourage or allow our employees to sell sensitive personal information of our customers to third-party advertisers. Since you have already confessed to doing that, we cannot in good faith accede to your continued employment with us.

Preserving an internal record of your actions is essential to protect our legal interests and sound reputation and hence we will maintain a confidential file detailing the events that led to your dismissal. While we will not try to hinder your future career prospects in any way, we cannot recommend you to potential future employers upon their inquiry. For this reason we ask you not to mention our company's name as reference on your resume.

If you need further information concerning your severance, feel free to contact my secretary.



Your name

Sections in this article

Cover letter writing tips
What to write and what not to write in a cover letter

Letter writing: formal and informal

Address and date
Body of the letter
Subscription or leave-taking
The Tone and Language of a Letter
Personal Letter Writing Tips

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