Uses of possessive pronouns

You will probably have noticed that the possessive pronouns have two forms - my, mine, your, yours etc.

The forms my, our, your, his, her and their are actually possessive adjectives, not pronouns. They are used before a noun.

The forms mine, ours, hers, theirs, yours are generally used after a noun.

Possessive pronouns mine, ours, hers, theirs and yours can be used as the subject of a sentence. Note that possessive adjectives cannot be used like this. To be used as part of the subject, a possessive adjective has to be followed by a noun. Possessive pronouns, on the other hand, can stand alone.

A possessive pronoun can be used as the object of a verb.

A possessive pronoun can be used as the object of a preposition.

See also

Degrees of Comparison
Comparison using positive adjectives and adverbs
Comparison using comparative adjectives and adverbs
Comparison using superlative adjectives and adverbs
The difference between comparative and superlative
Degree modifiers with comparatives and superlatives

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