Comparison using positive adjectives and adverbs

Positive adjectives and adverbs can be used for comparing. Several different grammatical structures are possible.

As ... as ...

This structure is used to say that people, things, actions or events are equal in a particular way.

If we want to say that people, things etc are unequal in a particular way, we can use not so ... as ... or not as ... as ...

No other as ... as ...

This structure can be used to compare one person or thing with the whole group that she/he/it belongs to.

As much/many ... as .../as few/little ... as ...

This structure is used to make a comparison of quantity.

In an informal style, we use object pronouns (us, them, him etc.) after as. In a more formal style, subject pronouns are used usually with verbs.

Not as much/many ... as ...

This structure can be used to say that quantities are not equal in a particular way.

Sections in this article

Degrees of Comparison
Comparison using positive adjectives and adverbs
Comparison using comparative adjectives and adverbs
Comparison using superlative adjectives and adverbs
The difference between comparative and superlative
Degree modifiers with comparatives and superlatives
Making comparisons
Comparison of adjectives and adverbs
Pronouns after as and than


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