Degrees of Comparison | Special structures used for comparing

We use the comparative to compare one person, thing, action or group with another person, thing etc. We use the superlative to compare somebody/something with the whole group that he/she/it belongs to.

Some special structures used for comparing are explained here.

All / any / none the + comparative

In this structure the means 'by as much'.

Three / four times + comparative

The structure three / four times + comparative can be used instead of three / four times as much as.

Note that twice and half cannot be followed by the structure times + comparative. Instead, we use the structures twice as…as and half as…as.

Pronouns after as and than

In an informal style, object pronouns (me, him, them, her, us) are used after as and than. In a more formal style, subject pronouns (I, he, they, she, we) are used usually with verbs.

In this structure the subject pronoun is unusual if it is not followed by a verb.

Infinitives after superlatives

We often use the infinitive after a superlative. This structure has the same meaning as a relative clause.

This structure is also possible after first, last and next.

Non-assertive words after superlatives

Non-assertive words like ever, yet and any are not normally used in affirmative clauses. However, they can follow comparatives and superlatives.

Sections in this article

Degrees of Comparison
Comparison using positive adjectives and adverbs
Comparison using comparative adjectives and adverbs
Comparison using superlative adjectives and adverbs
The difference between comparative and superlative
Degree modifiers with comparatives and superlatives
Making comparisons
Comparison of adjectives and adverbs
Pronouns after as and than


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