Secretariat Assistant Exam Practice Test 2

If you are preparing for the Secretariat Assistant Exam, you will find these practice tests useful. Complete the following sentences.

1. The laboratory has updated its computer systems and installed all the ………………………… software.

a) latest
b) late
c) later
d) last

2. The ……………………….. part of the film is more interesting than the former part.

a) later
b) latest
c) latter
d) last

3. Complete the following sentence. As soon as she opened the window, …………………………

a) the cat jumped in at once
b) the cat jumped in
c) suddenly the cat jumped in
d) the cat jumped in at once

4. A bird in the hand is worth ………………………………..

a) two in the woods
b) two in the bush
c) two in the greens
d) two in the forest

5. For ……………………… information, please visit our website.

a) further
b) farther
c) farthest
d) furthest

6. One must be willing to shoulder ………………………… responsibilities.

a) one’s
b) ones
c) his
d) their

7. You can do ……………………….. you want.

a) whatever
b) wherever
c) whichever
d) whoever

8. She has got a car. She has got a motorbike. Combine these two sentences using as well as.

a) She has got a car as well as she has got a motorbike.
b) She has got as well as a car and a motorbike.
c) She has got a car as well as a motorbike.
d) As well as she has got car, she has got a motorbike.

9. No sooner had she completed one project, ………………………………..

a) when she started working on the next
b) that she started working on the next
c) than she started working on the next
d) then she started working on the next

10. Time is too precious. It must not be wasted. Combine these two sentences using too…to.

a) Time is too precious to be wasted.
b) Time is precious too to be wasted.
c) Time is too precious not to be wasted.
d) Time is too precious to waste.


1. latest
2. latter
3. the cat jumped in
4. two in the bush
5. further
6. one’s
7. whatever
8. She has got a car as well as a motorbike.
9. than she started working on the next
10. Time is too precious to be wasted.

Manjusha Nambiar

Hi, I am Manjusha. This is my blog where I give English grammar lessons and worksheets.

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