Common Errors In the Use of Conjunctions

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A conjunction is merely a connecting word. It has no other function in the sentence. In most languages of European origin, clauses are joined together by conjunctions in similar ways. However, students who speak non-European-type languages often experience some problems in using English conjunctions correctly.

One conjunction for two clauses

One conjunction is enough to join two clauses.

Correct use of some conjunctions


Unless means if not, so it will be superfluous to introduce another not into the following clause.


Lest means that-- not, and, therefore, it will be wrong to add another not in the following clause. Moreover, it should be noted that the only auxiliary verb that can be used after lest is should.

Than, as and that

Than is used after comparative adjectives and adverbs. As and that are not used after comparatives.


Asis used in comparisons of equality. Than and that are not used in this way.

Sections in this article

Using coordinating conjunctions
The conjunctions and, or and but New!
The conjunction nor
The conjunction yet
Common errors with conjunctions New!

Tenses exercises and worksheets

Mistakes with verbs | Exercise 1
Mistakes with verbs | Exercise 2
Mistakes with verbs | Exercise 3
Mistakes with verbs | Exercise 4

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