7 Tips to Make Your Assignment Faster

Submitting an assignment is the part and parcel of our regular educational life. To some of the students, an assignment is the synonym of a nightmare. This only happens due to the lack of concentration and fruitful strategy to complete the work on time.

In this article, we will try to discuss how to get motivated to do the assignment, give some tips to turn the assignment pressure to do-able, interesting and even a source of learning.

1.      Know Your Assignment

To know every detail of your assignment or homework is the initial step of doing homework correctly. At first, know the deadline to submit your assignment. Double checking on the deadline will prevent you from any kind of last minute unpleasant surprises.

Try to read carefully about what your professor asked from you and try to answer it precisely. There is nothing more frustrating than that of answering vague topics which was not even asked for. Always read and research a lot before starting an assignment. Make your task divided into some milestones and give each task a deadline to complete.

2.      Research and Analyze

To make an excellent assignment there is no alternate way of researching the topics. There are a number of best assignment writing website on the internet from where you can search for some samples related to your topics. Do some reference checking, read some scholarly articles, journals about your designated topics and create a draft first to make it organized.

Before you start answering a question read it slowly and carefully first. Try to ask yourself questions to get a clear concept about the topic. Also, check for some additional information about the topic, search in the course outlines, some forum pages to know more. Try to put a time limit about the research. If your paper is about 5 pages, spend a maximum of 2 hours for research.

3.      Plan and Draft an Outline

If you have an ample amount of assignment to complete within a limited deadline then at first you should make a plan and stick to it. Plan a basic outline structure about how you should proceed with the writing. It will also help you to concentrate more on the text and helps you to storm the brain and will mirror the writing in front of you.

For example, if you are asked to write about the prospects of study in Australia then you should research on the web about some of the finest universities in Australia and implement a draft on this. Never spend too much time of drafting as it will be changed a lot while writing the final one.

4.      Create The Optimum Environment for Concentration

When you will start working on your assignment, make sure you have a studious environment to do so. Isolate yourself in a quiet place apart from any noise and destruction. It could be your room, your dorm or in a quiet corner in the library. Leave your gadgets behind., logged out of any social media if necessary. If music helps you to concentrate more than you can put on some soft music and listen over headphones.

Make your sitting place a comfortable one. The chair must be comfortable enough to sit for a long time without any back pain. Don’t try to write it in bed. That’s not the place to concentrate.

5.      Keep Focus on The Quality

Never thing writing after pages and pages will bring you extra marks. If you write only 5-6 quality pages it will impress your professor effectively. Always make sure you are writing in a professional language. Try to avoid familiar phrases in your assignment.

Try to cut the text or paragraph which is not supporting your context. Always follow the citation structures provided by your course faculty to make the referencing accurate and logical.

6.      Edit and Proofread

Don’t draft and edit at the same time. It will lose the efficiency of the article. At first, write whatever comes in your mind after doing extensive research. Later when your writing is finished come back to do the proofreading and editing.

Double-check the spellings, use some tools such as Grammarly and others to be more accurate. Nothing gives a bad impression of silly spelling mistakes. While editing, make sure you have answered all the questions and all the reference list and contents are logically arranged. Read your writing over and over again. See whether it sounds perfect in your ears. Spend at least a handsome amount of time to proofread the mistakes and cross check it with your assignment guidelines.

7.      Write the Introduction and Conclusion after Finishing Writing

You must be thinking about what we are saying! But it actually works. After writing the body and the main part of the assignment you now have a clear concept about the topics which will help you to construct an attractive introduction and conclusion. The conclusion is the perfect way to summarize your writing. It will provide you the long lasting impression in the professor’s mind what you are looking for.

Don’t write the same ideas you have written in the introduction. Writing introduction and conclusion after finishing the writing will save a lot of time and also enrich the value of the content enormously.


While writing a large assignment or report try to have plenty of breaks so that you are not feeling bored. Get up from the chair and walk for 5-10 minutes. It will also help you to circulate blood in the legs and prevent back pains for sitting long hours.

Hopefully, the above-mentioned tricks will help you to take a grip in your assignments and finish within the quickest time. Never forget to reward yourself after finishing an assignment. It will encourage you more to write efficiently again.

Manjusha Nambiar

Hi, I am Manjusha. This is my blog where I give English grammar lessons and worksheets.

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