Author: Manjusha Nambiar

The matter with

The expression ‘the matter’ or ‘the matter with’ can be used after words like something, anything, nothing and what. It means something like ‘wrong with’. Something is the matter with Maria. She doesn’t talk...

So that and in order that

These structures are used to talk about purpose. So that is more common in an informal style. The modal auxiliary verbs can, will and may are common in clauses introduced by so that. In...

Class 10 vocabulary worksheet

Complete the following sentences using the appropriate form of the word given in the brackets. 1. The escape was ………………… executed. (clever) 2. The boy attended school only under …………………… (coerce) 3. Most tourists...

Vocabulary exercise for class 10

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate word. You may have to change the tense. (commiserate, combat, collusion, coagulate, clumsy, clandestine, circumvent, collateral, coerce, cognizant) 1. Is the prisoner ……………….. of his rights? 2....

English vocabulary worksheet

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate word. 1. Some people still believe in the ………………… Loch Ness monster. 2. He made only a ………………… attempt to win the race. 3. He ………………… his...

Historic and historical

The words historic and historical are often confused. Historic means famous in history. The signing of the treaty was a historic moment. Maharashtra has numerous historic forts. Jallianwalla Bagh is a historic spot. August...

Hindrance | A word a day

Hinder (verb) To hinder is to delay, slow down, hamper or retard. Heavy snow hindered the progress of vehicles. You must develop good eating habits if you do not want health problems to hinder...

Hesitate | A word a day

Hesitate (verb) To hesitate is to stop or pause briefly. The driver hesitated for a moment at the intersection and then turned right. People hesitate to do something when they are unsure of the...