Category: Class 6 worksheets

Combine Using Before Or After

Combine the sentences given below using before or after. Answers 1. He had locked the door before he went out. 2. You must wash your hands before you eat anything. 3. You must finish...

Conjunctions Worksheet for ESL Students

Conjunctions are connecting words. There are mainly two types of conjunctions – coordinating conjunctions and subordinating conjunctions. A coordinating conjunction connects two clauses of equal rank. Examples of coordinating conjunctions are: and, but, or,...

Adverbs Worksheet For Class 6

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate adverb. Choose your answers from the options given below. (clearly, rather, suspiciously, bitterly, greatly, very, ever, sweet, often, also, eloquently, nearly, too, seldom, scarcely) 1. The movie...

Kinds of Adverbs Worksheet For Class 6

Adverbs are words used to modify verbs. Adverbs can also modify adjectives and other adverbs. There are different kinds of adverbs. Adverbs of time Examples are: today, tomorrow, yesterday, afternoon, before, now, then, ago...

Adverbs of Frequency

Adverbs of frequency answer the question ‘how often’. Common examples are: sometimes, rarely, never, ever, always, frequently, rarely, often, once, daily, weekly etc. Fill in the blanks using a suitable frequency adverb. (twice, occasionally,...