Category: CBSE Grammar Worksheets

Interrogative pronouns | Grade 6 grammar exercises

Complete the following sentences using appropriate interrogative pronouns. 1. ………………….. said this? (Who / What) 2. Of ………………….. boy are you speaking? (which / what) 3. ………………… do you want to see? (Whom /...

Tenses exercise

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate tense form. 1. My brother —————— (ride) motor cycles for ten years. Yesterday for the first time, he ———————- (meet) with an accident. Now he ——————- (be)...

Tenses exercise for grade 10 | Gap fills

Complete the following sentences using appropriate tense forms. 1. My brother ——————- (be) an engineer. He ———————- (go) to London in 2012. Since then he ——————— (work) there in a software company. By the...

Tenses exercise for CBSE Class 10

Complete the following sentences using appropriate tense forms. Question 1 They ————1————- (repair) the roof since morning. It ————-2———- (be) 6 pm now. The contractor says that they ————–3———— (finish) the job in about...

Tenses worksheet for class 10

Complete the following sentences using appropriate verb forms. Question 1 The newspaper boy usually ———-1———— (bring) the papers in the morning before 7 am. He ————-2—————- (distribute) newspapers since 2010. Yesterday, he —————-3——– (come)...

Articles worksheet for CBSE class 5

Complete the following sentences using ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’, ‘some’ or ‘any’. 1. I watched ……………………. interesting movie yesterday. Actually, it was ……………………. best movie I have watched in …………………… long time. 2. I saw...