Combine Using Before Or After

Combine the sentences given below using before or after.

before or after worksheet


1. He had locked the door before he went out.

2. You must wash your hands before you eat anything.

3. You must finish your work before you can go home.  

4. After he had counted his money, he put it in the locker. / He had counted his money before he put it in the locker.

5. The boy had done his homework before he went out to play. / After he had done his homework, the boy went out to play.

6. We reached there 10 minutes after the show had started. / The show had started ten minutes before we reached there.

7. He had finished his work before he went home. / He went home after he had finished his work.

8. I had washed myself before I put on my clothes. / After I had washed myself I put on my clothes.

9. She had finished her studies before she went abroad. / She went abroad after she had finished her studies.

Manjusha Nambiar

Hi, I am Manjusha. This is my blog where I give English grammar lessons and worksheets.

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