How to Write Successful Resume?

Learn the essentials of resume writing to make sure that your papers will stand out from the crowd and will be noticed by recruiters and employers.

Efficient Resume Writing: Tips from Pros

There is nothing sadder that a pile of carbon-copy personal statements and resumes, recruiters say. People seem not to care about their possible career and tend to copy completed texts from the Internet and just change names and details. However, for the most part, job candidates do not bother with the content of their resumes, and as a result, they are rejected without inquiry.

If you do not want the same fate for your job application, then here are some useful tips that will help you to get your dream-come-true work.

What should you know about resume writing?

Formatting. Arranging your resume in a way that simplifies reading of the paper will help  a lot because HRs do not have enough time to read all papers properly, so at first they give them a quick look.

  • Catching subheadings
  • Different typefaces
  • Use bullets
  • Wide margins and appropriate readable fonts (Times New Roman, Verdana, Arial etc.)
  • No more than 2 pages

Sounds easy, isn’t it? Formatted in this way, your paper will be much easier to read, so a manager get more details about you on the first go.

Accomplishments. Remember, that you have to give details how you solved certain problems at previous places of work – not just the description of the requirements for the job position you owned. Explain how your actions and solutions positively influenced work efficiency.

Measure off your achievements. Prove that you are marketable and worth taking to the desired position. Do not think that using too much field-specific jargon will make you sound more solid – your writing should be selling, not bamboozling.

Adjust your resume according to the industry requirements. If you are a designer or a person whose job is connected to creativity, rejoice! You can use your imagination to create something really catching and grabbing attention. All others are limited by strict requirements to the arrangement of the resumes. More than that, HRs are most likely to turn off from your application because of the appearance of your resume. Better use the power of flawless writing, clean type and list of accomplishments.

No to Objective. Better use Career Summary. In most cases a manager can unerringly tell your Objectives without even seeing it as the pattern of them can be found in every other resume.  But a Summary that gives a good showing to you is a great solution.

You have to strain every nerve when writing your resume – thereon hangs your future. If there is a need, ask for professional assistance and experienced writers will help you to lighten your strong points and improve weak spots.

Manjusha Nambiar

Hi, I am Manjusha. This is my blog where I give English grammar lessons and worksheets.

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