Idioms expressing emotions and reactions

An idiom is a phrase whose meaning is very different from the literal meanings of the words in it. There are numerous idioms in English.

While you are not supposed to learn all of them, you should be familiar with the most important ones.

Here is a list of idioms expressions emotions, feelings and our reactions to various situations.

Be at sea

When you are at sea, you are in a state of bewilderment because you cannot understand something.

Lose heart

When you lose heart, you stop believing that you will be successful in what you are trying to do.

Lose one’s temper

To lose your temper is to become very angry.

Lose face

When you lose face, you lose the respect of other people.

Keep an eye

To keep an eye for something is to look out for it.

A finger in every pie

When you have a finger in every pie, you are involved in too many things.

Up to the neck in something

When you are up to the neck in something, you are too busy.

Not have a leg to stand on

When you don’t have a leg to stand on, you have no chance of proving that what you are saying is true.

Go over one’s head

When something goes over your head, it is too difficult for you to understand.

Go to one’s head

When something like success goes to your head, it makes you very proud.

See eye to eye with someone

When you see eye to eye with someone, you agree with them on most things. And when you don’t see eye to eye, you don’t agree with them.


Complete the following sentences using appropriate idiomatic expressions.

1. You need a witness to defend your case. Otherwise, you ………………………….

2. Philosophy just ……………………

3. My uncle has a ……………………… He is a writer, a thinker, an activist and a politician.

4. He and his neighbor don’t see …………………

5. Don’t allow fame to ……………………

6. They don’t accept any more assignments at the moment as they are ……………………….


1. You need a witness to defend your case. Otherwise, you won’t have a leg to stand on.

2. Philosophy just goes over my head.

3. My uncle has a finger in every pie. He is a writer, a thinker, an activist and a politician.

4. He and his neighbor don’t see eye to eye.

5. Don’t allow fame to go to your head.

6. They don’t accept any more assignments at the moment as they are up to the neck in work. 

Manjusha Nambiar

Hi, I am Manjusha. This is my blog where I give English grammar lessons and worksheets.

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