Kinds of Phrases Worksheet For Class 8

Underline the phrases in the following sentences and state their kind.

1. He reflected the conservative views of his day.

2. The conservatives voted against building the new road.

3. Orchids grow all year in the conservatory.

4. Our neighbor contemplates moving to the US.

5. The suitcase contained nothing but dirty clothes.

6. Increased consumption of paper is depleting our forests.

7. This new stretch of road is just a continuation of the old highway.

8. The religious girl wanted to join a convent.

9. The college offers courses in science and humanities.

10. She was born in a little country town.

11. There are countless stars in the sky.

12. Making stained glass windows requires great craft.

13. A pretty girl with lovely long hair walked into the room.


1. He reflected the conservative views of his day. (Noun phrase)

2. The conservatives voted against building the new road. (Noun phrase)

3. Orchids grow all year (adverb phrase) in the conservatory. (Adverb phrase)

4. Our neighbor contemplates moving to the US. (Noun phrase)

5. The suitcase contained nothing but dirty clothes. (Noun phrase)

6. Increased consumption of paper is depleting our forests. (Noun phrase)

7. This new stretch of road (noun clause) is just a continuation of the old highway (noun phrase).

8. The religious girl (noun phrase) wanted to join a convent. (Noun phrase)

9. The college offers courses in science and humanities. (Noun phrase)

10. She was born in a little country town. (Adverb phrase)

11. There are countless stars (noun phrase) in the sky. (Adverb phrase)

12. Making stained glass windows requires great craft. (Noun phrase)

13. A pretty girl (noun phrase) with lovely long hair (adjective phrase) walked into the room (adverb phrase).

Manjusha Nambiar

Hi, I am Manjusha. This is my blog where I give English grammar lessons and worksheets.

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