Learn English Blog

Relative Pronouns Exercise For Class 8

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate relative pronoun. You may want to learn about relative clauses and relative pronouns before doing this exercise. You can learn about identifying and non-identifying relative clauses here....

12 Tips for Writing a Great Dissertation

Are you dreaming of creating an excellent dissertation that a professor will highly appreciate? We’ve put together ten tips to help you write the best paper without spending much time on it. Scientists Tips...

Active And Passive Voice Exercise

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate active or passive verb form. You can learn about passive voice here. Note: Use the passive verb form when the subject is not the doer of the...

Non-Finite Verbs Exercise For Class 8

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate non-finite verb. Notes Use an ing form after a preposition. You cannot use an infinitive after a preposition. 1. I enjoy ………………………….. (dance) 2. ……………………… is prohibited....