Subject and Object Complements

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Some clauses consist of a subject, the verb be and an expression that either modifies the subject or denotes something identical to the subject.

The expression that modifies the subject in clauses like these is often called a subject complement. Subject complements can also follow other copular verbs like become, seem and look.

Object complement

An object complement is a phrase which follows a direct object and either modifies that object or denotes something identical to it.

Complements of verbs, nouns and adjectives

Words and expressions which complete the meaning of a verb, noun or adjective are also called complements.

It is important to know what kinds of complements can come after a particular word. For example, interested can be followed by in -- -ing or by an infinitive; want can be followed by an infinitive, but suggest cannot; on the other hand suggest can be followed by a that-clause, but want cannot.

Sections in this article

Degrees of Comparison
Comparison using positive adjectives and adverbs
Comparison using comparative adjectives and adverbs
Comparison using superlative adjectives and adverbs
The difference between comparative and superlative
Degree modifiers with comparatives and superlatives
Making comparisons
Comparison of adjectives and adverbs
Pronouns after as and than

See also

Tenses exercises and worksheets

Mistakes with verbs | Exercise 1
Mistakes with verbs | Exercise 2
Mistakes with verbs | Exercise 3
Mistakes with verbs | Exercise 4

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