Kinds of Coordinating Conjunctions

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Conjunctions expressing addition

Some conjunctions merely add one statement to another.

Examples are:
Both -- and
As well as
Not only -- but also

Conjunctions which merely add one statement to another are called cumulative or copulative conjunctions.

Conjunctions expressing opposition or contrast

Some conjunctions express opposition or contrast between two statements.

Examples are:
Still, yet
Whereas, while
Although, despite the fact that
However, nevertheless

Conjunctions which express opposition or contrast between two statements are called adversative conjunctions.

Conjunctions expressing alternative

Some conjunctions present two alternatives sometimes indicating a choice between them.

Examples are:
Either -- or
Neither -- nor
Neither, nor
Otherwise, else

Conjunctions which present two alternatives, sometimes indicating a choice between them, are called disjunctive or alternative conjunctions.

Conjunctions expressing inference

Some conjunctions express something inferred from another statement or fact.

Example: For

Conjunctions which express an inference are called illative conjunctions.

Sections in this article

Using coordinating conjunctions
The conjunctions and, or and but New!
The conjunction nor
The conjunction yet
Common errors with conjunctions New!

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