Simple present tense worksheet for class V and VI

The simple present tense is used to talk about our habits, routines and general truths.

Form: Subject + first form of the verb + object / adverb


Students often find it difficult to use the simple present tense correctly. Remember that in the simple present tense the verb takes the marker -s when the subject is a singular noun (e.g. Rahul, Maya, boy, bird, book) or a singular pronoun (e.g. he, she and it).


The pronoun I is singular but it does not take the marker -s.

The pronoun you can be singular or plural, but it doesn't take the marker -s.

Formation of questions

The simple present tense does not use an auxiliary verb. Therefore, we use the auxiliaries do and does to form questions and negatives.

Form of questions in the simple present tense: Do / does + subject + first form of the verb

Use do when the subject is a plural noun (e.g. students, people, books, songs etc.) or a plural pronoun (e.g. we, they and you.)

Use does when the subject is a singular noun (e.g. boy, girl, bird, tree etc.) or a singular pronoun (e.g. he, she, it). The pronoun I is an exception to this rule. It is singular in number but takes the verb do.

Formation of negatives

In the simple present tense, we make negatives by putting do not or does not before the verb. As you have already learned, do is used with plural nouns and pronouns. Does is used with singular nouns and pronouns.


In informal English, do not is written as don't and does not is written as doesn't.

Important note

When the main verb is a form of be (e.g. is, am and are), questions and negatives are made without do and does.

Use is with singular nouns and pronouns. Use are with plural nouns and pronouns. Use am with the first person pronoun I.

Simple present tense worksheet

Complete the following sentences using the present simple form of the verb. In the case of questions, use the indicated subject as well.

1. My mother usually .................... (get) up at six o'clock.

2. My dad usually .................... (drink) coffee in the morning.

3. My sister .................... (sing) really well.

4. I .................... (be) a medical student.

5. My grandmother .................... (live) in Kerala.

6. My little daughter .................... (adore) her dolls.

7. My son .................... (draw) beautiful pictures.

8. Supriya .................... (help) her mother in the kitchen.

9. Rohan .................... (work) at a supermarket.

10. Rahul .................... (earn) a six figure salary.

11. You .................... (be) the most wonderful person I have ever met.

12. .................... (you) know the answer?

13. .................... (you) happy?

14. .................... (I) getting the best support?

15. My sister .................... (not eat) fish or meat.

16. .................... (your mother) like your buddies?

17. .................... (you) know how to swim?

18. How often .................... (you) workout?

19. .................... (you) have many friends?

20. They .................... (be) from Switzerland.

21. Where .................... (he live)?

21. Peter .................... (visit) his grandparents once a month.

22. Jack .................... (not live) with his parents.

23. Emily .................... (make) delicious cakes.

24. .................... (you play) cricket?

25. I .................... (take) a shower before I go to bed.

26. .................... (you understand) Hindi?

27. .................... (he speak) Spanish?

28. She .................... (not know) English.

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Sections in this article

The simple present tense
The present progressive tense
The present perfect tense
The present perfect progressive tense
Present tenses to talk about the future
The simple past tense
The past progressive tense
The past perfect tense
The past perfect progressive tense
Past verb forms with present or future meaning
The simple future tense
The future progressive tense
The future perfect tense


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