Articles Exercise for Class 5

Rewrite the following sentences adding appropriate articles wherever necessary.

1. There I met old man wearing hat.

2. She lives in nice big house.

3. I am oldest in my family.

4. My brother is seeing German girl.

5. German girls that we met during holidays were very nice.

6. I am looking forward to being grandmother.

7. He remained bachelor all his life.

8. Move books off chair and sit down.

9. Tiger is in danger of becoming extinct.

10. You can’t get there without car.

11. We ate lots of ice cream in month of April.

12. Principal of our school is well-known writer.


1. There I met an old man wearing a hat.

2. She lives in a nice big house.

3. I am the oldest in my family.

4. My brother is seeing a German girl.

5. The German girls that we met during the holidays were very nice.

6. I am looking forward to being a grandmother.

7. He remained a bachelor all his life.

8. Move the books off the chair and sit down.

9. The tiger is in danger of becoming extinct.

10. You can’t get there without a car.

11. We ate lots of ice cream in the month of April.

12. The principal of our school is a well-known writer.

Manjusha Nambiar

Hi, I am Manjusha. This is my blog where I give English grammar lessons and worksheets.

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